Language Learning Resources

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Kuhl, P. K. (2011). Early language learning and literacy: Neuroscience implications for education. Mind, Brain and Education, 5(3), 128-142.

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Linebarger, D. L., & Walker, D. (2005). Infants’ and toddlers’ television viewing and language outcomes. The American Behavioral Scientist (Beverly Hills), 48(5), 624-645.

Niklas, F., Cohrssen, C., & Tayler, C. (2016). The sooner, the better: Early reading to children. SAGE Open, 6(4).

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Vygotsky, L. S., & Cole, M. (1978;1980). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press.

Werker, J. F., & Tees, R. C. (1984). Cross-language speech perception: Evidence for perceptual reorganization during the first year of life. Infant Behavior & Development, 7(1), 49-63.

Zimmerman, F. J., Christakis, D. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). Television and DVD/Video viewing in children younger than 2 years. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 161(5), 473-479.